Back to Sermon ArchiveApril 15, 2018
Cling to the Lord your God!
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Rememberance Scripture: Joshua 23:1-16
April 8, 2018
The Subversive Power of Unwarranted Suspicion
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: God's Law Scripture: Joshua 22:1-34
April 1, 2018
The Supremacy of God, Caleb, and Grasshoppers!
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Trusting God Scripture: Joshua 14:6-15
March 25, 2018
Are You a “Big God-er” or a “Little God-er”?
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Trusting God Scripture: Joshua 10:1-15
March 18, 2018
God’s Words / Our Prayers: Never One Without the Other
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: God's Word Scripture: Joshua 8:30– 9:27
March 11, 2018
Lessons from the Horror of Hidden Sin
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Punishment Scripture: Joshua 7:1– 8:29
March 4, 2018
Joshua and the Slaughter of the Canaanites
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Punishment Scripture: Joshua 6:21; 8
February 25, 2018
Who Really Fought the Battle of Jericho?
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Angels & Demons Scripture: Joshua 5:13– 6:27
February 18, 2018
Forgetfulness: the Enemy of Faith
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Faith in God Scripture: Joshua 4:1-24
February 11, 2018
The Ark of the New Covenant
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: God's Law Scripture: Joshua 3:1-17
February 4, 2018
The God of the Unlikely Time
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: God's Promises Scripture: Joshua 3:1-17
January 28, 2018
Two Spies and a Shady Lady
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Truth Scripture: Joshua 2:1-24
January 21, 2018
Be Strong and Courageous!
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: God's Promises Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9
January 14, 2018
Joshua: the Book and the Man
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: God's Promises Scripture: Joshua 1:1-2
September 11, 2016
Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve!!
Speaker: Sam Storms Series: Joshua Topic: Local Church Scripture: Joshua 24:1-33