All-Church EQUIP | Deeper into Discipleship and Farther Out on Mission
October 8, 2022 Pastor: JJ Seid Series: EQUIP
Topic: Body of Christ Passage: Ephesians 4:15-16
We have to take the unchanging truth of God’s Word, and the unchanging communal rhythms it calls us to as biblical Christians (confession, repentance, encouragement, exhortation, the exercise of all the spiritual gifts, evangelism, etc.), and then we have to ask what those rhythms ought to look like in Oklahoma City in the year 2015. What should those rhythms look like in our unique time and place—our context? I’ve been asking that question for years now in my current role as Pastor of Community and Discipleship. I’ve spent many hours leading groups, coaching others as they lead groups, and talking to our elders as they’ve led groups and coached group leaders themselves. Like many of you, I’ve discipled new believers and built relationships with and shared the gospel with non-believers. I’ve read books by, and talked to, other pastors around the country. As a result, I feel like I’m gradually beginning to settle on a few rhythms that I feel are especially appropriate in our context. Now I’d like to commend them to you.
Please Note:
If you hear things that sound different from what you’re currently doing as a group, don’t panic! It doesn’t mean what you’re doing is wrong. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change anything that you’re doing. I’m here to serve you, not order you around. I’m here to equip you, not micromanage you. If you feel any tension between what you’re doing and what I’m going to describe, let’s embrace that tension and let it lead to dialogue and conversation right on the spot, here tonight—and I’ll be providing opportunities for us to do that.